Spain: Busy at “Home”

Submitted by Amanda Reed on the 2022 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…

I just realized today how long it has been since I’ve written a blog post. With catching up on the work I missed when I had Covid, the start of my spring semester classes, and the various weekend trips and excursions I have been going on, life has been very busy. Despite the busyness, I am loving my time here and growing to feel like Granada is my new “home.” After my first week in Spain, I took a trip to Sevilla. It was a jam-packed day, filled with cultural activities planned by the program directors. We visited the Museo de Bellas Artes, La Catedral de Sevilla, Los Reales Alcázares, El Parque de María Luisa, and La Plaza de España. That week, after returning to Granada, I also visited el Parque de las Ciencias, a science museum that has its own small zoo! I loved visiting the different exhibits. It was a great way to practice my Spanish, learn a lot, and see some adorable monkeys, armadillos, sloths, and toucans.

The next weekend, I went on my first weekend trip to Madrid, Spain. There, I tried authentic paella for the first time and visited many landmarks and attractions, including el Parque de El Retiro (my personal favorite part of the trip), la Plaza de España, la Plaza Mayor, and the Royal Palace of Madrid. When I returned to Granada from this trip, I felt for the first time that I was returning “home.” When I got off the bus and saw the familiar cobblestone streets, I felt relieved and appreciative of how cozy Granada is, especially in comparison to the hustle and bustle of Madrid. Ever since, when I return to Granada after a day trip, I feel a similar sense of relief. I love that, even though I am a foreigner, I have grown to feel at home in this town.

Amidst all of this, I have also started my spring semester classes. We all had to take a placement exam to determine the level of classes we will take, and to my surprise, I placed in the second-highest level. Because of this result, I am taking classes with many native Spanish speakers. Although it is a bit intimidating, it is amazing practice to be immersed in so much Spanish daily, and to push myself to rise to the level of the students surrounding me. I am taking a Spanish theater class, an advanced grammar class, a Spanish culture class, and a class about the history and diversity of the Spanish language around the world. Now that I’m settled into my classes, I’m finding that I have quite a bit of free time during the week to exercise, explore new places, go for a quick sunset walk, etc. Recently, I have loved going on runs by the river, where there is a trail with views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and lots of cute dogs that will run up to me and say hi. I sometimes take these hour-or-so long excursions with friends, but often, I take them alone and find that I really enjoy it.

Looking forward, I have a day trip to Córdoba this Friday with my program, and a day trip to a local beach town 50 minutes away from Granada on Saturday. What I love about Granada is how easy it is to travel in the immediate area. Just last weekend, my friend and I took a bus ride to Nerja, an Andalusian beach town with giant caves. The bus tickets to these locations are cheap, and it’s easy to visit the towns in just a day and be back in time to grab tapas with the group after returning. Overall, in the past few weeks, I feel like I have finally settled into the city, to my school routine, and to the social life here in Granada. I’m looking forward to the weeks to come!