Italy: Florence

Submitted by Leah Marsh on the 2022 spring semester program in Rome, Italy…

One of the many benefits of studying abroad in Europe is taking advantage of the reliable and advanced public transportation systems. Over the weekend, a friend and I traveled to Florence, Italy for a mere 10 euros round trip. We were able to enjoy the atmosphere of another city without stressing about our travel details. We will have many other easy weekend trips throughout Italy in the near future.

Throughout my stay in Italy, we have made many visits to many different museums and galleries. Each museum is filled with a plethora of unique, priceless works of art. While in Florence, we had the opportunity of visiting the Gucci Gardens Archetype museum. This gallery was unique as it was filled with behind the scenes secrets of the designer brand. Each exhibit was perfectly crafted to represent the fashion brand company and the messages that they stand for.