Hawaii: Aloha from Honolulu!

Submitted by Megan Reilly on the 2022 winter session program in Hawaii sponsored by the College of Health Sciences…

Aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii! This first week in Hawaii has been incredible and I have enjoyed getting acclimated to my new home for the next three weeks. Over the last few days, I have taken the time to familiarize myself with my surroundings while still getting used to the time difference. With each new place I venture to on the island, I always make sure to greet whomever I meet with an “Aloha!” The highlight of this first week has been touring the island and observing the natural beauty of the land. The view from the Halona Blowhole Lookout was truly breathtaking! Overall, I am looking forward to further exploring the island of Oahu and immersing myself in the Hawaiian culture. I hope to learn from the locals and try new activities that I would not have the opportunity to do elsewhere!

Halona Blowhole on Oahu’s southeastern shore