Submitted by Renee Rush on the 2022 winter session program in the British Virgin Islands sponsored by the School of Nursing…
The first week in the British Virgin Islands just concluded and I am having such an amazing time here. I have never been out of the United States before, so I was very excited to go. We are staying on the Island of Tortola and I have gotten to learn so much about the people and their culture which has truly been an eye-opening experience. Earlier this week, we went to a national park on another British Virgin Island called Virgin Gorda. This national park is called The Baths. The park had incredibly large rocks that we had to climb through and had multiple different hiking trails that we could take. While the park was gorgeous, my instructor made sure that we were aware of the history of the park. We learned that The Baths was the place where the slaves were taken after they got off the ship, where they were bathed before being taken to whatever plantation they were being sent to. I thought that it was very interesting that such a stunning place could have such a dark history, but I also thought that it was important to remember the history that came along with the beauty. I cannot wait to go on more excursions with everyone on the program!