Submitted by Heather O’Connor on the 2022 winter session program in the British Virgin Islands sponsored by the School of Nursing…
My name is Heather O’Connor, and this week is my first week in the British Virgin Islands. It is an absolutely beautiful place, with absolutely beautiful people. As you can see in the photo, the beaches are gorgeous, and the water is crystal clear and blue. All of the locals are so friendly and welcoming. Everyone says “hello” and “good morning” to everyone they pass, as it is a part of their culture. Additionally, I noticed that locals and travelers take COVID precautions very seriously. Indoors, everyone wears masks without argument, and it is customary to use hand sanitizer before entering businesses. Upon arriving in Tortola at immigrations and customs, one of the workers was in full PPE, with a mask and gown. It is very refreshing compared to how some States are handling the pandemic in the US.