Submitted by Kelly Read on the 2019 spring semester program in Washington, D.C. …
This week was very unexciting, outside of work, but I was given a lot of more challenging tasks at work that pushed me and gave me a boost of much needed energy. I was able to write more memos and do research on really interesting topics! Additionally, I got to meet a few staffers who work in our other office, they were incredibly interesting with unique career paths and one of them gave another intern and me print newspapers to read because he told us to not let them die out. Definitely, a memorable experience. The intern coordinators also set up a brown bag lunch with the Legislative Director so we got to sit down and pick her brain. She had some really funny stories to tell, but also gave an honest view on the hardships and victories of her job, even though the victories definitely outweighed anything else. Her optimism after working there all these years was inspiring to hear. Overall, it was a good week at work!