Submitted by Cooper Rothman on the 2020 spring semester program in Limerick, Ireland…
It occurred to me yesterday that I’ve been in Ireland for one month now and it feels like less than a week. I’ve entered my routines of the week easier than I thought, and have been getting used to going to the grocery store and cooking for my housemates. While the weeks are routine and give me a sense of life at Delaware, the weekends are anything but ordinary. This weekend, I went to Dublin with the International Society which has been a great way of making friends and experiencing Ireland. The first thing I noticed about Dublin was how spread out the city was, and how short all the buildings are. Coming from New York or Philadelphia, Dublin looked a lot smaller, but when we started walking around the city, I couldn’t believe how far everything was from each other. I look forward to going to Dublin again with my roommates and exploring the parts I wasn’t able to see in the day I was there.
We spent most of our time in the Guinness factory and headquarters of one of the most famous beers in the world. I also was surprised at the long history of the company and how their development coincided with Ireland’s. The end of the tour was at the “Gravity Bar” which was surrounded in glass windows that showed us the view of Dublin from above. This picture gave me an idea of what to expect in the city, and allowed me to compare it to the cities I know in America.