Submitted by Caroline Sullivan on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Chile sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures…
This past weekend, we traveled to Torres Del Paine, which is considered by some to be the eighth wonder of the world. I have been excited about this weekend for months and I could have never imagined just how amazing this experience would be. While hiking, outdoor rock climbing, exploring the flora and fauna of Patagonia, and learning about the environment, my love for the outdoors and nature was reignited. I felt so incredible the entire weekend because the nature that we were seeing appeared to be untouched which is beautiful to me. It also was eye-opening to see just how stark the impact of climate change is in Torres Del Paine which is very close to Antarctica. The glaciers have receded due to global warming which is horrible to see. This weekend was so beautiful and amazing, but also reminded me of the effects that humans can have on nature in a negative way. Therefore, I am grateful that I was able to both appreciate what nature has to offer, but also remember that we need to work hard to protect it.