Tanzania: Live for Today

Submitted by Brenna Bochow on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Tanzania sponsored by the Department of Art and Design…

For the past week, we have spent most of our time with the Hadza hunter gatherers in Yaida Valley. This has been my absolute favorite part of the program so far and I have learned so much from these amazing people. I learned how to craft hand-made arrows from mutateko wood and the Hadza men and children taught us how to use a bow to hunt. In groups of three, we were led by a Hadza guide through Yaida Valley to understand his hunting techniques in person and I witnessed my guide Shabubu hunt down a bush baby and a hyrax.

Being with the Hadza also opened my eyes to so much more than physical skill sets. I am truly inspired by the way they live day by day. Any food caught for the day gets eaten immediately, they do not save food for the next day. They share everything and have no social hierarchy, but instead, there is complete equality for every member of their group. The Hadza are confident that the land will provide them with what they need day by day and their way of thinking has pushed me to consider how I live and what I can do to be more like them and live for today.