Spain: New Routine in Madrid

Submitted by Emma Straw on the 2020 spring semester study abroad program in Madrid, Spain…

As week two comes to an end, I’m starting to feel more at home in Madrid. I’ve settled into a routine and have finally mastered the metro! (I’m pretty confident I could go just about anywhere in the city without Google maps.)

My days start with trips to cafés where I study and read for class, followed by metro rides and walks to the university with new friends from school. Finding a group of friends took some time, but having them now has made this whole transition so much easier and has made me so much more confident.

After the first week of classes, we took a weekend day trip to Toledo, Spain with a group of study abroad students. We explored the El Greco Museum, the Sephardic Museum and the Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toldeo (the First Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toledo, in English). Toledo is also the setting for the novel, Don Quixote, and after reading the story in my high school Spanish class, it was amazing to see the actual place that inspired the tale.

While Toledo has been a big highlight of my program so far, my absolute favorite part has been my painting class. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I’m in a three-hour painting class and it’s been amazing to tap into my artistic side after years of neglecting it. When I was younger, I used to take art classes every weekend, but stopped once I started high school. Getting back into art and using it to express myself has been a real treat, plus, I can’t wait for our trips to the art museums here in Madrid!

Before I go, one thing that’s really surprised me about Madrid is the fashion! The men and women around the city dress in style no matter the weather or time of day. They always look put together and they always have the best shoes. So, word of advice if you ever visit Madrid, invest in some fancy footwear!

Café Salon des Fleurs in Madrid
Me in Buen Retiro Park in Madrid
The City of Toledo, Spain
Ceiling in the Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo
Monastery in Toledo, Spain