Panama: Local Flavors

Submitted by Elise LaFramboise on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Panama sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures…

I have just finished my first week in Panama! It’s been so fun learning about the culture and people here! One of the first things that I’ve learned about is the change in prices here. Everything is so cheap! At the cafeteria at our university, you can buy a plate of beans and rice for 35 cents. The food is also different here. In Panama, they have much fresher food than what is found in the United States. You can always find fresh seafood and fresh fruits and veggies. Many of the restaurants here are similar to those in the United States, but the more authentic restaurants definitely have a different feel to them. If they are by the sea, there are dogs wandering around the restaurant that also hang out at the beach. There are also people walking around the restaurant selling handmade products like bracelets or hats. Today, we went to a festival in a place called Las Tablas, where we got to see traditional Panamanian clothing and dance, which was very cool.

View from the top of my street in Tumba Muerte at sunrise!
Coffee from one of the cafeterias at the University of Panama that costs 20 cents!
A friendly dog at the Playa Bonita Beach
Our group hiking the hills at the Metropolitan Park!