Submitted by Madeline Hornung on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Paris, France sponsored by the Department of Biological Sciences…
My excitement for studying abroad in Paris didn’t hit me full force until I was on the plane, taking off from the Philadelphia International Airport. Up until that point. I had been too distracted between packing and saying good-bye to my friends and family. Fortunately, as soon as I got in line for security, I was able to easily find other people on my program and we located the gate we were to take off from together. Finally arriving in Paris, I was overwhelmed with exhaustion, but my new roommates and I immediately walked to the Eiffel Tower and got crepes. It was amazing seeing the monument in person and it was way bigger than I expected. For the remainder of the day, I got prepared for the first day of class.
Our first week of class was successful and we were able to efficiently navigate the metro despite all of the protests going on. The protests have been a concern for me in regards to being able to get to class on time because there are so many trains not being run regularly. Fortunately, my professors are aware of this and very understanding of the situation. Since we only have four days of classes, the three other days we are able to do whatever we want. My friends and I took this opportunity to visit the catacombs and walk through the different shops by the Arc de Triomphe. The language barrier was a bit difficult, but it was a great way to start off life in the city. I am excited to continue discovering more about Paris.