Magical Hawaii

Submitted by Emily Greco on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Hawaii sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development…

Hawai’i is magical. As week three comes to a close, I find myself dreading my time here ending. Hawai’i feels like home, and each day I’m more grateful than the last that I’ve gotten to be a part of this program. Week three has been filled with some of the greatest adventures of my life. I spent time at Kualoa Ranch where over 50 different movies were filmed, and also got to cruise on the ocean observing sea turtles, and manta rays in their natural habitat. I spent time at beaches with water more blue than I ever could have imagined, and completed hikes that challenged me, but rewarded me with views that I don’t think anywhere else I travel to could top.

Week three has probably been my absolute favorite, but it came with its downs, too. I traveled to the North Shore by bus twice, which round trip is about 4.5 hours. The first time went smoothly, and the bus ride was scenic. Round two though, our bus ride back was a nightmare, and left us waiting at stops for long periods of time unsure if the next bus was actually coming. It made me realize that while by week three, I am confident with taking the bus, and knowing the routes, it’s still unpredictable. It made me think about how much credit I give to those who use public transportation everyday, for most of their lives because it can be very frustrating and not the most timely. After only three weeks, I find myself wishing I had a car, and talking about how if I move here a car is a necessity to be able to explore more freely. Traveling always comes with its challenges though, and all of the struggles are just part of the experience.

Sunset at Turtle beach on the North Shore
The Sunrise Shack on North Shore
Exploring Jurassic Valley at Kualoa Ranch (where “Jurassic Park” was filmed)
View from Lanikai Pillowbox Hike
Image of Kailua Beach