England: Immersed in the Culture

Submitted by Michaela Matteo on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Communication…

During my first week in London, I was extremely shocked by everything that I have learned in such a short amount of time. I was completely immersed into the culture and feel like it helped me to ease into the city. One of my favorite parts of this past week was our group’s visit to Hampton Court Palace. While we were there, we spent some time doing an audience profile, which was in coordination with our Public Relations course. I found myself not only enjoying the historical site, but also being able to apply the different types of examples we had learned in class. For example, some tactics that most Americans would simply regard as advertisements are actually specific public relations moves by the companies to support their business. I’m now easily picking up on certain things that once went unnoticed by me. I have also discovered an extreme interest in the history of London, which seems to be woven throughout London, even in the most metropolitan areas. Overall, I have learned and am applying so much information, sometimes unconsciously, after my first week in London.

One of the main gardens within Hampton Court Palace, where Henry the VIII resided.