Greece: Culture Shock

Submitted by Cameron Johnson on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Athens, Greece sponsored by the Department of English…

This winter I was blessed with the opportunity to study abroad in Athens, Greece and for a small-town girl this is a huge deal for myself and family. I have previously never been out of the country and experiencing another culture other than my own has been an amazing experience. Once I arrived in Greece, I was shocked by the architecture, the scenery, the mountains, buildings, water, and the sun. I have never seen a country so breathtakingly beautiful and am semi-convinced that we have a different sun in America. I have definitely experienced culture shock and I still cannot believe that I am in Greece. Arriving at the apartments was a very different experience due to the steep streets and I can’t believe that Greeks walk around the city of Athens everyday without stopping to catch their breath every minute. The streets are something that I definitely need to get use to while visiting this beautiful city.

Another shocking thing is the prices here for food or toiletries. I can’t believe that you are able to get a massive meal for 4 euros or less and that there are so many options for vegetarians. I am honestly so happy to have options to eat in Athens, and I love being able to order food and not worry about getting stuck with a salad. I am also shocked to be surrounded by other vegetarians in the group. I noticed that restaurants often ask first if there are any vegetarians or “non-meat” eaters in the group which I appreciate so much. I honestly feel so welcome here and am enjoying getting to know the members of my group more.

Furthermore, I have had the opportunity to visit so many historical sites specifically the Acropolis. I could not believe all the rich history behind this famous structure and was blown away by the architecture. It was interesting to learn about the different reasoning behind some of the architectural choices the Greeks made in order to build and maintain the site. Also, it was interesting to see the contrast in pillar structure depending on what part of the Acropolis you were viewing.

Even though this is only the first week of the program, it has already been such a fulfilling and humbling experience. As an education major, I am always looking to immerse and educate myself on different cultures in order to better educate my students and I am just so thankful for this opportunity. I truly feel welcomed and at peace in this beautiful country.

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