England: Stratford-upon-Avon

Submitted by Georgina Martinez on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in London, England sponsored by the Department of English and the Department of Theatre…

My first week in London was really fun. The jet lag hit me pretty hard, but I soon recovered. The first night when I got here my roommate and I and two of her friends here found a restaurant that had the Eagles game on so we went there and sadly watched the Eagles lose. Classes have been good as the teachers are really cool and nice. We went to Shakespeare’s birthplace which was really cool and pretty. The area in Stratford- upon-Avon where he grew up was so cute. We have seen two plays so far – Snowflake and The Play That Went Wrong. I didn’t like Snowflake that much, but The Play That Went Wrong was very good. It was really funny and altogether just a good performance.

Stratford- upon-Avon
Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare was buried
Colorful houses in Nottinghill