Spain: Class Excursion

Submitted by Nicole Caracciolo on the 2019 fall semester study abroad program in Barcelona, Spain…

Over the weekend, SAE took us to Seville and Cordoba. We got to see so many amazing things there and also had some free time of our own. Being in the south of Spain made me realize how much I love this country and want to see more of it someday. Of course, Barcelona has already made Spain important to me, but seeing a completely different aspect of the country made me even more intrigued. I never traveled much before coming abroad besides a couple of tropical vacations and most of the traveling I have done here has been to major city centers (which are still super cool and exciting to see!). Seville was just so quaint and beautiful. It made me see that I want to eventually travel to smaller towns with lots of soul and character. I think these places have so much to teach us.

This is the terrace of Palau Guell. My professor took our class here for a field trip.