Submitted by Danielle Tahan on the 2019 fall semester program in London, England…
After two full weeks in London, I am still amazed by the richness in culture and diversity that the city has to offer. Everytime that we hop on the Tube and arrive in a different area of London, it feels like we are somewhere completely new.
When walking off the Tube, you will probably enter a different ambience and energy than your previous location, which creates such a thrilling journey. Although London is full of deeply historical buildings and structures, there are also unique modern buildings throughout the city. Living in a central location of London, I am able to easily travel to a variety of sites; in the past week, I visited the deeply historical town of Bath as well as the eclectic, modern Camden Town.
I have never been in a city that compares; London is one of the most global cities in the world, and this is what I admire London most for. I am learning what it is to be a Londoner – it is likely that you are not from London. Every other person that I meet is from a different country, and they bring their culture with them to further diversify the city. You can eat at a restaurant with a cuisine from any other country in the world while in London, which shows how diverse its community is. To put it in perspective, the student body of the primary school where I intern is made up of 31 different nationalities. Just within my classroom, three children do not speak English. Not only do I face the challenge of understanding the students through their limited English, but I am also gaining a greater cross-cultural experience by working with students of diverse backgrounds. In this beautifully diverse environment, I am learning how to effectively communicate with all individuals. I greatly admire how incredibly diverse London is and its power to embrace people from all cultures. I aim to further explore how its rich cultural and diverse roots impact the individuals of the city.