Submitted by Briar Dobson on the 2019 summer session program in Italy sponsored by the School of Nursing…
For most of this progam, we have been immersed in Italian culture, doing things the Italian way. It’s been great and a wonderful learning opportunity. We got to switch it up and be the tourists one day this week when going to Pisa. Pisa is known for its remarkable architecture and large quantity of tourism. I learned a lot about the city, got to explore Pisa’s Duomo, and climb the Leaning Tower of Pisa! We ended the day with a classic Italian group dinner and some shopping. During our visit, I got to meet so many tourists from all over the world! I got to help take the classic tower photo of someone who spoke absolutely no English and we could only communicate through non-verbal cues! And of course, I got to take a tourist picture in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa myself!
Week two has come and gone by so quickly! Looking back at my experience abroad in Italy, I have had the best time with some of the best people. I am beyond grateful to have been given this experience. Throughout this program, I have discovered how similar, yet how different everyone is. No matter where in the world you go, you will always have something in common with those around you. Here in Italy, I share my love of family, food, and a good time. Although I came into this program knowing there would be cultural differences, I feel like I’ve adapted well and my global sense has improved. This study abroad program has provided the resources to help me be better educated on and understand the Italian way of life. I will take the specific knowledge of Italian culture into the workplace. The general knowledge and acceptance of culture differences, different needs, and variety of food, religious, and cultural practices are a skill I can use for everyone, in and out of my workplace. Overall, this expereince has been a dream. I have left Italy as a more educated and culturally aware individual and nurse.
Arrivederci Italy!