Italy: Flying Solo

Submitted by Zoe Harper on the 2019 summer session program in Italy sponsored by the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition…

Flying by myself was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to do. From the moment my family couldn’t go past the gate, the stress began to build. “What if I miss my flight?” “What happens if I can’t befriend a single soul?” “Will I be alone like this the entire trip?” were all questions I asked myself. Long story short, I made it to the terminal just as the plane was boarding. Though I cut it uncomfortably close, I couldn’t help, but release a breath of relief. My fellow passengers and I all piled into the tiny plane and got settled. The person sitting next to me did not speak a lick of English and it may have been better that way. She would have had to calm me down the entire time. The plane took off and suddenly, I wasn’t scared anymore. Instead, I was hopeful and grateful. I was hopeful of what else I could do while enrolled in this study abroad program. As the program begins to wrap up, I feel grateful to have learned more about myself than I ever have before. Studying abroad and flying solo was a life-changing experience and I hope that everyone can build up the courage to take advantage of it.

The Colosseum in Rome, Italy
The best spaghetti at a cafe in Rome, Italy
The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy