Submitted by Juliette Ciro on the 2019 summer session program in Switzerland and Italy sponsored by the Department of Hospitality Business Management…
My week in Italy has been nothing short of magical. I think the best word to describe the feeling I have here is that of being at home. I love the rolling hills, the grape vines and olive trees, the ocean, the atmosphere, and everything in between. While Italy is very different from Switzerland, it has its own perks and uniqueness.
Some of the things I love most about Italy is the food, the fun, and the photographs. Italy has my favorite type of food on Earth- seafood, pasta, pizza, gelato, and so much more. I never get tired of eating things like this. There are also so many opportunities to do fun things with your friends here. Just at our school alone, we have a soccer court, tennis court, and a swimming pool. Not to mention the amazing scenery that is around every corner, perfect for pictures at any time of the day. I love Italy for many, many reasons, but these are just some of my favorites.
Italy also has some drawbacks, but not too many. The service in Switzerland was better and more efficient. Things were cleaner and ran smoother. I think this is just due to the Italian culture, though. Italians are more laid back and go-with-the-flow. For example, in Switzerland (and even Germany), the trains were always on time and ran very well organized. In Italy, we have had a few more issues with punctuality. Nothing that stopped us from enjoying our time, though!
Overall, I love Italy and everything about it. I spend all of my summers in Sicily, so if things weren’t how they are here, it wouldn’t feel like home. I am used to all of its highs and lows and wouldn’t have it any other way. This week has been amazing, and so far, my favorite part of this program.