Exploring Hong Kong

Submitted by Jenna Jackson on the 2019 spring semester exchange program with Hong Kong Polytechnic…

Two months down, two to go in Hong Kong, China! Often when deciding where to study abroad, many people veer away from Asia partially because of the distance and partially due to the seemingly large cultural difference.  These two months have shown me just how similar Hong Kong is to home. Recently, I have realized that Hong Kong is one of the cultural meccas of the Southeast Asia region. It’s a clash of Eastern and Western cultures in one city. Half owned by the Chinese, half owned by the British, both cultures shine throughout the city. Although many people speak English here, they are very appreciative when you attempt to speak Cantonese (the traditional Chinese language). As a current student in an elementary Cantonese class here, I can testify that it is a very difficult language! If you change the tone in your voice for one word you change the meaning completely. Luckily, I have a few Cantonese speaking friends to help guide me when I mis-pronounce words!

I was lucky enough to be in Hong Kong during Chinese New Year. This is one of their biggest celebratory holidays of the year. With that comes fireworks, parades and more tourists from around the world! In America, we see the new year as a time to be with friends, but here it is a tradition and family-oriented holiday. Businesses are shut down for days so they can carry out all of the traditions. One of the traditions is the giving of “red pockets.” Red pockets are red envelopes filled with money given by someone that is married, to people that are younger than them and single or of a higher rank. Some people give them to their employees, waiters and more. One of the popular traditions is the giving of flowers for the new year. Around the new year, they have large flower markets set up all over the city. Below is my friends and I grabbing skewers at the flower market!

I am currently in denial that I have already been here for two months and only have two months left. I am excited to keep exploring Asia while I can!