Germany: Comparing Different Health Systems

Submitted by Alexis Chilton on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Heidelberg, Germany sponsored by the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology…

After week two of study abroad in Germany, I continue to adjust to the lifestyle in Heidelberg. Most of our classes have become routine, and the transition day to day is a lot easier than it once was. We had a few great experiences this past week interacting with other students in Heidelberg, Germany, and in Munich, Germany. We were able to have a group discussion on the different healthcare systems and make comparisons between the United States and Germany, with a short informative PowerPoint on the Canada Health Care System as well. This was an eye-opening discussion for me due to the vast differences and costs between the United States compared to everyone else. Along with this, we also covered the salary for Physical Therapists in the United States and their degrees, compared to Germany and the different education levels they have to be a PT. After this discussion, it clearly showed how the United States has to have increased salaries for citizens to sustain proper healthy living, which would include adequate healthcare.

Next, we traveled to Munich to visit a professor working on bio markers in the blood, and advanced concussion research at LMU. With this discussion, we were able to interact with some of their doctoral students, and learn of their research and perspectives revolving around concussions, which was similar to ours, but there were some different aspects to our research versus theirs. Some of the research also differed because of a lack of resources and equipment at the university that the  program was affiliated with. Culturally, everything from transportation, restaurants, and the atmosphere is very similar to any U.S. city. Lastly, to end this week, we were able to visit the well known Neuschwanstein Castle, which is what the Cinderella Castle in Disney is based on. Can’t wait to finish my last week here!

Neuschwanstein Castle