Submitted by Reeti Parikh on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Australia sponsored by the School of Nursing…
In preparation for traveling to Sydney, Australia on the 19W Australia NURS II – micro program, we did a lot of research on the Aboriginal people of Australia regarding their healthcare and treatment. Being in Sydney and going on tours of The Rocks, the beginning establishment of Sydney, and seeing the First Hospital of Sydney, there hasn’t been much mention of the Aboriginals. I also haven’t seen them much around the area so I’m thinking their establishments are further inland. Also, I have noticed there is a huge health-craze here. Everything they serve is healthy in a way such as bland sugarless coffee, no sides with entrees and workout areas at every corner. I think a lot of what I’ve been experiencing is a culture shock with the lifestyle of the Australians in Sydney, but at the same time it feels as if I’m in a city at home.