Submitted by Rita Sweeney on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Granada, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures…
It is strange to think that I am more than halfway through my UD abroad experience in Granada, Spain. I have been able to learn even more about this great city as well as spend a day in Seville. The way of life in Spain has become more natural to me and I have come to love the traditions of my host family and the manner in which they live. It was an adjustment at first compared to my life in America, but it has opened up my mind to a new way of life. I hope to carry the knowledge and habits I have gained here into my life in Delaware. In addition, the opportunity to interact daily with natural Spanish speakers has been invaluable for my education. It is really fun to get to know the teachers better as well as the rest of my study abroad group. In my last remaining weeks here, I am looking forward to traveling to other areas of Spain during our free weekend and continuing to incorporate another country’s culture into my life.