Submitted by Shawn Futch, Jr. on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Ireland and London, England sponsored by the Department of Accounting and the Department of Finance…
I’ve now been in Ireland for a full week, and I can honestly say that it has been such a wonderful experience thus far. But given that this is my first time traveling to Europe, I couldn’t help but notice even the smallest differences the moment I stepped off the plane.
First, I noticed that the smallest euro bill in circulation is the 5, whereas at home in the US, we have 1 and 2 dollar bills instead of coins. I don’t mind it, but it does make my pockets heavy rather quickly.
Second, I noticed that the major convenience store in Ireland is called “Spar,” and upon entering, it reminded me of a 7-Eleven back home (but not too much). A lot of the foods are different, and things I would normally eat at home taste just a tad bit different here.
Lastly, the temperatures are similar the Northeastern United States, but the sun barely ever shines here! I’ve only seen the sun shine once this week, and after asking some locals, I found out that on average, Ireland only gets between 46-67 days of sunlight a year!
Differences aside, Ireland is a lovely place steeped in history. I can’t wait to see more!