Submitted by Kassandra Borhi on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Paris, France sponsored by the Department of Fashion & Apparel Studies…
With week one drawing to a close, I am looking through the camera roll on my phone to find my favorite pictures from the week to take a few minutes to talk about. While I have done so much in such a short amount of time, I feel like the two pictures that stood out to me are: the first picture of me on top of the Eiffel Tower during the day and the second is of the Eiffel Tower at night. These pictures are both special to me for different reasons and just looking at them brought me back to how I felt at the time of the picture. The picture of me on top of the tower is important because it taught me about myself. I am extremely scared of heights, but I did not want to miss seeing the city from above. So I entered the elevator to bring me up, and even though I slightly freaked out on the way up, I stayed on top of the tower for a while. In doing this, I showed myself that this fear does not have to be a big part of my life, that I can overcome it. I learned that I am able to do things that while they may scare me, I will be okay. This relates to the study abroad program as I am kind of worried about living in a foreign country without knowing anyone on the program prior to getting here. However, like conquering my fear of heights, I know I will be able to get through this program.
The second picture of the tower at night was taken on the first night of the program. I had gone with all of my roommates to see the tower light up as it does every hour on the hour. We decided to try using our metrocards for the first time and took the bus across Paris to get to the tower. We got off the bus and rounded the corner to see the Eiffel Tower staring back at us. We were all taken aback and frankly shocked at how pretty it looked all lit up. We spent the next 20 minutes in the same spot starring and taking pictures. In this moment, I felt like this one image, of the tower lit up, was a positive sign for the rest of the program. It seemed as if this was some sort of sign that I was going to be happy and have an amazing time in this city I have always dreamed of coming to. And yes, maybe I am crazy for thinking that the Eiffel Tower was a sign, but it seemed like that to me.