Complex Hawaiian Culture

Submitted by Catherine Cooper on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Hawaii sponsored by the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences and the School of Education…

Before coming to Hawaii, I did not know much about its culture. However, after attending the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, I am much more educated about Hawaiian culture and values. Before attending the museum, I did not realize how offensive and pervasive the stereotypes of Hawaiians are. Three walls of the museum display different magazines, books, and photos that portray the Hawaiian lifestyle as luxurious and sensuous. Since they live on such a beautiful island, others assume that their lives are paradise, when in reality they have faced many hardships. In contrast to how others view their culture, there is a painting in the same room that symbolizes pain. Even though they have faced a lot of tragedy as a culture, they are unified and value togetherness and forgiveness.

Stereotypes of the Hawaiian Culture
Actual Depiction of Hawaiian Culture