Australia: Great Experiences

Submitted by Ariana Acosta on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Australia sponsored by the School of Nursing…

After my first week of adjusting to life on the other side of the world, I began to move more out of my comfort zone.

On my second Monday here in Sydney, we visited the vast Blue Mountain and learned about aboriginal origin stories. One of which was the Three Sisters, a collection of three immense rocks standing in the middle of the “bush”. The origin story has to do with a story of three sisters who were desired by a mischievous and dangerous hunter. The father of the three sisters wanted to protect his daughters and turned them to rock. During our day in the Blue Mountain, we also visited Featherdale Wildlife Park which was an amazing experience in which we got to get up close and personal with animals native to Australia.

Our second Tuesday included us conducting research on local people by asking them questions about their sleep cycle. We got to learn a lot about the area and meet people from all over Australia. I came to realize that Australia truly is a melting pot much like the United States with people coming from all over the world for various reasons. I got the opportunity to meet with Australians who were originally from Brussels, Japan and South Africa.

Wednesday was an amazing experience as we got to tour the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital located in Sydney. It was a truly amazing learning experience for all of us as future nurses. We had the opportunity to tour the neonatal intensive care unit and learn more about their maternity services and how they differ from the services we have in place in the United States. It was fascinating to see how much emphasis they place on the mothers well being and the bond she must foster immediately with her newborn child. It was interesting to see how labor and delivery is viewed with a more wholesome approach versus the medical approach we take in the United States.

Thursday was our last day in Sydney in which I faced a big fear of mine and took a surfing lesson for the first time. It was physically exhausting,but extremely fun and a memory I will hold for the rest of my life. My time in Sydney opened my eyes to different cultures, ways of thinking, and environments. It was an experience which will forever change my perspective in my personal, academic and professional life.

Sydney Opera House

Blue Mountain hike
Featherdale Wildlife Sanctuary

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Surfing lesson at Bondi Beach