Submitted by Kayla Fenning on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Music…
Another aspect that I have noticed during my time in London is the amount of art that surrounds the city. The photo is from the Winter Lights festival, where artists who work with LED lights have the opportunity to get a spot in Canary Warf and display their creation. This event only occurs in January and lasts just a few weeks. This is only one of the many art exhibits that are around. Another place is Tate, a free modern art gallery, where talented showcased artists are dynamic and change frequently. Overall, there are days of art to find in London. Whether it is a quick month long outdoor display, a huge permanent building, or even the world’s smallest statue of two mice fighting over a sandwich, London takes real pride in bragging in their art skills, and it shows immensely the more you allow yourself to take the time to look.