Submitted by Anna Hemelt on the 2018 fall semester study abroad program in Granada, Spain…
One big aspect of cultural differences that I have experienced here is the food and meals. Culturally, the meals are very different here in Spain. There are many more vegetables and fruits used in meals, and desserts are usually a piece of melon or a peach. Breakfast consists of a piece of toast or a small bowl of cereal, with a glass of orange juice. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and usually takes place around 2:00-3:00 pm. Then dinner isn’t made until 8:30 pm or 9:00 pm at the earliest, and is much smaller than lunch. This was extremely hard to get used to at the beginning of my time here in Spain. However, now I am used to it and I like it. I think that the meals being more spread a part make it the days seem longer.
Some of the traditional Spanish foods I have tried have been paella, tortillas españolas, magdelenas, and my favorite, churros con chocolate! My host mom cooks delicious, homemade food and I feel very lucky to be living with a host family and to be able to try authentic Spanish cuisine every single day.