Argentina: Old Friends in New Places

Submitted by Elizabeth Fleming on the 2018 fall semester program in Buenos Aires, Argentina…

Last weekend, I had the chance to go to Mendoza with the rest of the UD group studying here in Argentina. Mendoza is a smaller city right at the foot of the Andes Mountains. It was a beautiful and welcome change of pace from the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires, and I loved spending time in the Andes taking in the breathtaking views.

One exciting moment for me during our weekend trip was being able to get lunch with a friend of mine from middle school! She is studying abroad in Mendoza this semester and, though it had been years since we last caught up, we were able to reconnect when the group had free time. She showed me the best lunch spots in Mendoza and told me about her travel experiences through Ecuador and Argentina so far. It was so cool to me how, even thousands of miles away from home, you can always reconnect with people and find old friends in new places!