Submitted by Carly Whitman on the 2018 spring semester program in Rome, Italy…
This first few days abroad have been devoted to orientation and learning my way around my new home, Rome. John Cabot University, the American University that I am attending this semester, organized four days for study abroad students to learn their way around the city and find out all you need to know to survive during our time here. Due to my flight delays, they had to cram four days worth of orientation activities into three days, so as you could imagine, I was very busy and a little overwhelmed. Orientation was very similar to that at UD. We spent a lot of time navigating our way around campus and the rest of Rome. I learned how to buy a bus/tram/metro ticket and also how to take each of them throughout the city. I learned a lot of information in the matter of three days, more than I thought I could remember, but when I had to put it to use, I luckily was able to find my way around just fine. Let’s hope this was the hard part!