Submitted by Nasir Wilson on the 2018 spring semester program in Limerick, Ireland…
This week was very rewarding and unexpected. On Tuesday, my group presented our project for one of my classes, Government and Politics in Ireland. We had been working on this project for the entire semester and volunteered to go first. For the project, we had to reform some aspect of Irish policy in our own way using resources we learned from in class and outside sources. For my group, I proposed federalizing Ireland and becoming a federal, democratic republic (I know, very American of me ha ha ha); however, our justification for federalizing Ireland and developing states comes from America having great local and state government capacities to manage and regulate local and state affairs instead of having the centralized, national government handle local matters. We originally proposed a system similar to Germany’s, but did not like the degressive proportionality of the Bundesrat, but that is a conversation for another day. We presented our proposal to the class and to our surprise, received rave reviews and positive feedback from our professor who was very impressed. We did so great of a job that I even heard from other students that are not in our class that our presentation was amazing.
Who knew! Guess the picture of walking toward the Acropolis in Athens, Greece is appropriate for this blog…