South Africa: A Visit to an Orphanage

Submitted by Tatiana Thomas on the 2018 winter session program in South Africa sponsored by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies…

I really enjoyed Mama Esther’s Orphanage. The staff and children welcomed us with open arms. As soon as we got there, we were welcomed by the cutest little boy! The orphanage had a building for children with disabilities because there is a problem with placing children with disabilities in South Africa. The other building in the orphanage had many children that were kidnapped or trafficked from there homes in other countries. It was sad to see so many kids that were taken from their families. The orphanage was a really great community for the kids. I couldn’t tell that any of them had experienced trauma. I really got to connect with some of the girls and it was really fun to play with them for the afternoon. I face painted most of the kids and found out that I have a small talent! I would love to go back and visit my new friends! I also really got along with the house mother of the orphanage. She called me her daughter and asked for a picture. She really made me miss my own mother, but it felt nice to have a motherly embrace so far from home.