At the Tower Bridge in London, England

Submitted by Samantha Miles on the 2018 winter session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Communication…

One of my favorite sites in London so far has been the Tower Bridge!  Over the River Thames, just adjacent to the medieval fort, the Tower of London, the Tower Bridge is one of the most visited attractions in London.  It looks exactly what I imagined a medieval bridge would look like.  While it looks intimidating, the best part of the bridge is actually up in it.  After taking a short elevator ride that explained the parts of the bridge and what we would see when we got to the top, we arrived at the history room.  A guide then explained how long it took for the bridge to be built and how it worked.  When we finally were able to walk across the walkways that connect the top of the parallel towers, we realized there was a glass portion of the bridge!  We were able to walk across it and observe 42 meters (137 feet) above the cars below!  It was amazing to be able to look down and see our feet seemingly floating in the air!