San Sebastian, Spain: Beautiful Landscape

Submitted by Brian Otto on the 2018 winter session program in Spain sponsored by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Department of Physics & Astronomy…

This is an image I took at the top of a hill overlooking the city of San Sebastain. I took this image during the first week of our program while on a run exploring the town. While running up this hill, we found a winding road with beautiful old homes and a lighthouse at the top. In this image, you can see the cove that this town is contained in. This includes the beach with the town behind it. In the distance, you can see the beautiful landscape of rolling hills and lush forests. There is also a small island, and on the opposite side of the cove lies a large stone statue. In this town, there is a lot of old buildings and many restaurants that have tapas, small appetizers. We still have much more of the city to explore, and I look forward to learning much more about this Basque city.