Submitted by Emma Engel on the 2018 winter session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of English and the Department of Theater…
My first few days in London have consisted of a whirlwind of emotions. While I have spent quite a bit of time missing my family, boyfriend and friends back home, I am really enjoying the scene and culture that London offers.
The first initial difference I noticed was, of course, that the coach bus that provided transport from the airport to the hotel was driving on the left side of the street and the speed limit was in kilometers per hour, not miles. While everyone probably expected this change, I found it funny that the entire bus was chattering about it. Once we reached the streets closer to our hotel, everyone awed at the sights out the windows; we couldn’t take our eyes off all the storefronts and architecture that passed us.
Once I reached the hotel, exhaustion and jet-lag struck, and I, along with almost everyone in our group of about twenty-five, took a nap. My roommate (and close friend) Abby and I later explored the area, found our classroom building location, and ate dinner at a Shake Shack (because that is certainly authentic London cuisine).
The next day I spent my time exploring with a new group of friends and Abby. I took my first ride on the Tube, which was surprisingly much cleaner than the underground transit I’ve experienced in the United States. During our exploration, we saw the Supreme Courthouse, which included the courtroom where Brexit occurred. We also saw Westminster Abbey, Parliament, and only the face of Big Ben – the major landmark is unfortunately being refurbished for the next four years, so it was surrounded by scaffolding.

The first days of class have been fun, and our professors have done a really great job with providing engaging and interesting material to be discussed. Since the program is English and Theatre based, we have several plays and musicals we will be seeing during our time here. The first of these was Kinky Boots, which I would highly recommend if you are interested in seeing a bright, colorful, and exciting musical. I really enjoyed the message of acceptance that the musical elicited, and the way the characters engaged with the audience.

The past few days here have been filled with excitement, jet-lag, homesickness and a lot of adjustments. The time difference of being five hours ahead of home has taken a major toll on my sleeping pattern, and I have been slightly thrown off my normal 8am to 6pm (or sometimes later) music major schedule that I’ve become accustomed to during my time at UD. I have also felt a bit out of place, since my location in London is more like a larger city and not a rural, beach area like lower Delaware, which is where I’ve spent most of my life.
I think my experience this first week has been like my first few weeks of college; adjusting to a new place, meeting new people, and growing to like new things. I am excited for the rest of my time here, and can’t wait for all the things I have yet to learn and discover!