A Floating Village in Vietnam

Submitted by Erica Watson on the 2018 winter session program in Vietnam and Cambodia sponsored by the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics…

When I chose to study abroad in Vietnam, I knew I would get to experience a very different culture than my own and a different way of living. Upon arrival, I was eager to immerse myself in the South Eastern Asian lifestyle and during our first week in Vietnam, I did just that. As a group, we were taken to a floating village in Halong Bay where we got to see for ourselves an incredible living situation. We toured an entire community floating on plastic barrels among the beautiful limestone islands. The houses were individually built on floating platforms that were each tied together, essentially creating a neighborhood. There was also a floating school house for education and a main community building for meetings. The Vietnamese people who lived in this village were very welcoming as we toured their community and provided us with more insight on what it’s like to live in such a place. We learned that people have been there for hundreds of years. They are self-sustaining through fishing and fish cultivation activities. I noticed several dogs running around the docks, men performing home maintenance and kids at play. It was such a calm and peaceful environment to escape from the hustle of the city. It was eye-opening to see how these locals survived on their own and supported one another to maintain such a unique lifestyle. As I looked around, it made me appreciate all the simple conveniences in my home and community that I take for granted everyday. It amazes me how independent and resourceful these people are. Reflecting on the visit to this village, I attempt to imagine what it would be like to grow up in that community and feel very grateful to have grown up in the circumstances I did.