England: Fall Semester – Halfway Through

Submitted by Jesse Cresswell on the 2017 fall semester study abroad program in London, England…

Currently, we’re midway through our fall break here in London. Earlier on in the break, I took a quick trip to Edinburgh with my Mom. Edinburgh was lovely, I liked it much more than Dublin even though it was really cold! I also got to see the musical Wicked which I’ve never seen, and it blew me away. Other than that, break has been really low key. It is a weird time, and I’m finding it hard to stay in the moment of being in London. First of all, registration for spring semester is coming up, and I’ve been stressing out about getting the classes I’m going to take planned out. I have an internship coming up in the winter so I’m thinking about that, and the holidays are coming up and my family has been setting up our travel plans. I only have 44 days left in London, so my goal is to make a list of things I still want to do and see, and get to work on it. I need to make sure I make the most out of this experience.