Ireland: Beyond Dublin

Submitted by Michelle Curtis on the 2017 summer session program in Ireland  sponsored by the Department of History and the Department of Political Science and International Relations…

This week, we left Dublin which I found to be a bittersweet moment. I’m definitely more of a city person so I really loved the city atmosphere of Dublin and wasn’t sure if I was ready to leave, but still I was anxious to see the countryside of Ireland. This week, we visited the cities of Kinsale, Kilkenny and Clonikilty. In addition to seeing these towns, we visited some interesting and historical places. On our way to Kilkenny, we stopped in Cashel, Ireland and saw an old castle’s ruins. It was really fascinating to see how a castle built in the 12th century is still standing even though roofs have caved in and walls have been smashed over the years. It was located on top of a huge hill which provided great views of the country.

Rock of Cashel

My favorite small town we’ve visited so far has been Kinsale. Kinsale is a small city located right on the water. It has beautiful quaint roads and lovely walkways along the water. Because I live on the water, towns that happen to be located there always hold a special place in my heart and tend to be my favorites.

Ending this week means that we’re entering our fifth and final week which is makes me realizes how fast this program has flown by! Can’t wait to see what week 5 holds!