Blue Hens Abroad

Submitted by Greta Sweeney on the 2017 spring semester program in Rome, Italy…

This winter, my brother, who is a sophomore at UD, was studying abroad for winter session in Germany. We figured since we were both in Europe, we should meet up before he headed back to Delaware. I first got to see him in Berlin last weekend and then again in Prague this past weekend. In Berlin, we didn’t plan on meeting until after dinner, but we somehow managed to run into each other on the streets. In a city of 3.5 million people, of course I would find my brother. This past weekend in Prague, we spent Saturday wandering the city. We walked past the Astronomical Clock, across the Charles Bridge and up to the Prague Castle. From there, we had a breathtaking view of the city. It was such an amazing experience to see these beautiful cities with my fellow peers and especially my brother.

Berlin Cathedral