Walking to Class in Costa Rica

Submitted by Janelle Skaden on the 2017 winter session program in Costa Rica sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

I had only heard positive comments about Costa Rica before arriving here; the paradise it was and how so many people never wanted to leave.  I can see why so many people never want to leave once arriving, however, I was taken aback by my first walk to class.  Yes, I could see the mountains that surround the area that we are in, all the tropical trees and plants that one would expect to see in paradise, but I also saw large amounts of trash everywhere. We walked through what I thought was a park, but to my own “cultural standards” I would not consider it to be a park; there was a skate park area and a court where people could play basketball or soccer, however, there was also garbage everywhere.  I saw broken cds, broken bottles and glass all over the ground.










When I think of a park, I think of a place with large amounts of green space, maybe some benches or a playground for kids that is well kept.   After exploring a little more yesterday after class and after the second walk to class, I realized that the park we walk through to get to class is only a very small part of the actual park, I found a larger part of the park that resembled more of what I culturally would expect to see when looking at a park.  This experience opened my eyes to realize that some things where I am from such as a park may be very different in another country.  It was also very eye opening to see all the trash that is everywhere, I know it is typical to have some litter in cities, however, I was not expecting to see as much as I have seen on the sides of the roads and in grassy areas as I have seen.  So far Costa Rica is amazing and I cannot wait to do more exploring!
