Polyglots in Hungary

Submitted by Shane Gorman on the 2017 winter session program in Austria and Hungary sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development…

Jo napot from Budapest, Hungary!

During our first week in Budapest we got to go into a school here for a class we are all taking abroad. The school is a Jewish school with kids from all different backgrounds. They have an English plus program where the kids who join this program experience an intense few years of learning English. A lot of them speak English beautifully. Some of them even know how to speak four, five or even six different languages. It’s amazing how talented these students are and how much they love learning. Visiting this school makes me think about how I wish I was bilingual. It also makes me think about American schools and how students in America can take a language for four years and still not be able to hold a conversation. It has definitely been an eye opening experience so far.