England: No Photos Please

Submitted by Alexander Kulyk on the 2017 winter session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering…

Now that the second week of my study abroad is over, I have already experienced so many incredible things. Today, I just got back from a visit to Windsor Castle which was stunning. The castle itself was massive and nonchalantly integrated into the main town of Windsor. The cathedral inside was beautiful. In fact, I have never seen anything as incredible as the inside of the cathedral (we couldn’t take pictures,however). The cathedral also contained many of England’s past kings, as well as an incredibly rich history.







Last week, we visited the Tower of London and it’s infamous Bloody Tower. The Crown Jewels were also incredible, however, once again pictures were not allowed. We saw Stonehenge as well, which was truly an awesome site. The history and mystery behind it is baffling.