British Virgin Islands: Adjusting to Limited WiFi

Submitted by Katie Garber on the 2017 winter session program in the British Virgin Islands sponsored by the College of Health Sciences…

I never knew another country could be so similar yet so different from the United States. For my abroad program, I am studying in the British Virgin Islands for four weeks. In only three days here so far, I am both shocked and impressed with how the locals live. Electricity and water is a luxury in the BVI, and many islanders go without these things that US citizens value extremely. I’ve come in contact with a broad variety of people in my short stay here. The locals are very polite not only to each other, but to the tourists as well. The Islanders always greet each other with a smile and a “hello”, and when passing tourists, they often get offended when not greeted properly. Our professor told us a local once went up to her to tell her she was offended her students didn’t greet her! Traveling abroad and starting to become immersed into another culture has really opened my eyes to things I once took for granted like  WiFi for example. The WiFi here in BVI can be spotty at times, and I find myself upset that I cannot connect with family and friends back home.  However, I am trying to not be so “American” about such things, and hopefully this will not only help me while I am abroad,but also when I return home.
