Barbados: New Teacher

Submitted by Carson Hanna on the 2017 winter session program in Barbados sponsored by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies…

After being in Barbados for three weeks, I have seen such a change in my perspective towards other cultures and changes in my personality as well, for the better. In the schools, at first I was very timid. I only spoke to the teacher and did not feel comfortable going up to individual students and taking initiative. I have had some time to adjust since being here, and my teacher has surpassed all of my expectations. Because of her, I am coming out of my shell, and I am learning so much more about the culture of Barbados than I would have without her guidance. I feel incredibly humbled that she is so invested in her country and wants to share it with me. Everyday, she brings me a new food or recommends a place for me to try. Without her, I would not have the enriching experience I currently have.

This week I was also asked to teach a lesson to my students which was also a humbling experience. Going into the review lesson about shapes, I thought, how hard could this actually be? It turned out to be quite difficult. Not being used to their education style, I had trouble at first reaching the children, but with full support from my teacher, I got through the lesson, and hopefully helped refresh their memories about shapes. This experience made me a lot closer to the students. They were all so excited to show me the shapes they made, and now they ask me to help them with some of their own work.

I feel that I am making the most of this island while I am here, and really experiencing it in full. I am excited to keep learning on cultural excursions, as well as from the locals in town and at school.