Without Words in Brazil

Submitted by Tory Engel on the 2016 summer session program in Brazil sponsored by the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition…

There is something great about opening up to a new environment and feeling totally exposed to a different culture. Being able to experience that in Brazil has been tremendous, from the moment I stepped onto the international flight a whole new world opened up. An 8-hour flight later and the experience of being abroad began.

Being in a country and not knowing the language brings you back to being a young child just learning how to read. Working through pictures and context clues seems to be the best tactics in trying to communicate and get what you need.

First stop in this adventure was a beautiful city called Brotas, an exotic environment with so much to offer and friendly locals. This city was built off of the surrounding natural attractions of white water rafting, zip lining and many more ‘thrill-seeking” adventures. The scenery was truly breathtaking as we drove through hundreds of sugarcane farms and saw exotic animals that are nothing, but normal in the community. Four days there being far too short, we continued to our next destination, Sao Paulo.

Brotas waterfall 2 Tory Engel 16J Brazil BHAN smBrotas waterfall Tory Engel 16J Brazil BHAN sm

Skyscrapers replaced the trees of Brotas and farmlands morphed into outdoor sports clubs. Here is when the thrill of the Olympics began to rise. As the torch passed through the city, hundreds gathered to see the parade that the small flame was encamped in. While in the city, we learned from and saw the best from the games, including the China Olympic Swimming, gymnastics and fencing teams practicing before their commute to Rio. The most inspiring athlete however was Fernando, a Paralympic gold medalist in rowing and the generous owner of a rowing/sports facility for disabled children and their families.

Sao Paulo Tory Engel 16J Brazil BHAN sm

Kayacking Sao Paulo Tory Engel 16J Brazil BHAN smFernando Sao Paulo Tory Engel 16J Brazil BHAN sm








So far, without fail, this country and these classes are allowing me to learn endlessly about the culture and history of this section of Brazil. Not only have I picked up on a touch of the language here (disclaimer: they don’t speak Spanish) but I have also learned how to communicate without words and more about teamwork.