Whirlwind of Design in London, England

Submitted by Charlotte Talis on the 2016 summer session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Art…

We leave London today, after five weeks of exploring the city, it’s time to fly back. The whole program was a whirlwind of design, tourist stuff and taking the Tube. My favorite part of the program was our class where we would visit all different design and advertising agencies. I got to learn a lot about the industry I am going into and we got a behind the scenes look at a lot of the big names in design. There was not a huge culture shock coming here, only a few things are different like the laundry machines and the snack foods. I certainly will miss the accents and efficiency of the Tube. I am very thankful for my parents and for IGS for giving me the opportunity to go on this journey. I can’t wait to travel again!

16J Students Charlotte Talis 16J London VC sm