Studying in London: A Life Changing Experience

Submitted by Emily Brymer on the 2016 summer session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Art…

VCUK was a life changing experience, full of fresh experiences. I learned about British culture, international design and gained independence all in one program. I also got to experience the effects of Brexit firsthand, a political decision which will impact England’s policies/economics for years to come. Most importantly, I formed stronger bonds with my classmates during these five weeks in London. The day before my flight home, I went to the London Eye. Though, I’m not normally a person who enjoys touristy things, going to the Eye was indeed breathtaking. It was fascinating to see Westminster at such a small scale, and it makes one feel just how large and small London is. Though London is a large city and can make one feel insignificant, the city itself doesn’t feel that large from a distance. The experience made me realize there’s still so many more places I have yet to travel to in this small world.

Brymer BigBen Emily6 Brymer 16J London VC smBrymer Primrose Emily Brymer 16J London VC sm